It’s time for the plan that will eliminate the disconnection and the frustration!

Can we chat? Mom-to-mom?

We need to do better for ourselves so we can be better for them!

Mothers are investing in this group coaching program knowing that it is going to change the trajectory of their relationships forever and they know that if they don’t do this now, the years will go on, their children will grow older, and they’ll move out without those deeper connections taking root.

The fact is, when WE feel better our entire attitude shifts and that is seen and FELT by those we love; especially those living in our homes. The Start Here Group Coaching Membership is the FIRST STEP to coming up with a plan and sticking to it so that you can:

  • -Erase confusion around nutrition and fitness

  • -Make strides to reaching your health goals once and for all

  • -Be held accountable to someone other than yourself to do it

  • -Improve your hormones

  • -Create stronger bonds with your spouse and your children in the process

Let’s go momma! You’ve got this and I’m here to cheer you on!

Hey! I’m Melissa and I’ve been there.

Friend, I know how frustrating starting and stopping your fitness journey can be and how that feeling infiltrates your home…

I know what it’s like to try on those shorts from last summer only to nearly pop my husband’s eyeball out with the button as it shoots across the room. I know how that affects my attitude and spreads throughout my family.

I know what it’s like to hide behind my 3 kids in photographs, but know I will regret doing that once they’re gone and…I know they notice I do that too.

I understand not being able to wear that wedding ring because it’s too tight.

I get that having a tween is hard and trying to connect seems even harder on top of keeping your health in check.

However, I know what it’s like to gain control of my food, engage with my tween over exercise, and how it changes not just my attitude, but the attitude of all of those under my roof.

I’ve been there and I’m ready to help you too!

This program is also going to help you with:

  • Being still and digging deep into what is holding you back, so whatever ‘it’ is, loses its grasp.

  • Opening Communication with your tween/teen so that you are their biggest influencer.

  • Building Beautiful Boundaries, so you can learn to stay the course and to say “no” sometimes.

  • Putting Your Blinders On, so that the comparison game loses its luster for you and this helps your children too.

  • Building Gratitude to Bring Perspective and falling in love with the one body you’ve been given so you can’t help but WANT to have it be and become its best!

  • Conquering the 85% (your mind) by having a plan in place that you're ready to execute on!

See what others are saying when they’ve joined my courses…

“Thank you for doing this. I really think it’s going to help me become the best me!”

— Leigh L

“I do everything for everyone and I hate to say no and I’m the one that suffers. This class is something I’m doing for me. The next 21 days are for me.”

— Miranda G